Brazil Minasul Cooperative

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As a medium-light roast, this coffee has flavor notes of honey, caramel, and hints of nuts.  Using a scale of 0-10, the cup profile has a higher level of sweetness (8-9), lower acidity (3-4), medium body (5), and no perceivable bitterness.

As a medium-dark roast, this a just a really good, easy to drink, mild cup of coffee with flavor notes of mildly sweet chocolate.   Using a scale of 0-10, the cup profile has a moderate level of sweetness (6), low acidity (1), medium body (5), and no perceivable bitterness.


As a medium-light roast, this coffee is versatile and is great brewed as filter/drip, immersion, cold brew, but is not one we have experimented with as espresso.  As a lighter roasted coffee, we recommend starting with a water temperature no lower than 200F as lighter roasts are more prone to under extraction.  If the coffee tastes sour, 1) grind finer, 2) gradually increase the water temperature, and/or decrease the amount of ground coffee or water used to increase the extraction.  If the coffee tastes bitter and over extracted, 1) coarsen up the grind size, 2) gradually decrease the water temperature, and/or 3) increase the amount of ground coffee or decrease the amount of water used. For filter/drip and immersion, we recommend starting with a brewing ratio of 1:15 (e.g., 20 grams of coffee to 300 grams of water), but this again is an area you will adjust for taste preferences.  If you brew the coffee as espresso, we would recommend a slightly higher water temperature and starting with a longer ratio of 1:3 (e.g., 20 grams of coffee to 60 grams of espresso in the cup).  

As a medium-dark roast, this coffee is versatile and is great brewed as filter/drip, immersion, cold brew, and espresso.  As a darker roasted coffee, we recommend starting with a water temperature of 197-200F as darker roasts are more prone to over extraction.  If the coffee tastes bitter and over extracted, 1) coarsen up the grind size, 2) gradually decrease the water temperature, and/or 3) increase the amount of ground coffee or decrease the amount of water used. For filter/drip and immersion, we recommend starting with a brewing ratio of 1:15 (e.g., 20 grams of coffee to 300 grams of water), but this again is an area you will adjust for taste preferences.  For espresso, we recommend starting with a 1:2 ratio but experimenting with a slightly smaller (1:1.5) and larger ratios (1:2.5).  Our preference for this coffee as straight espresso is a ratio of 20 grams of coffee in with a yield of 30 grams of espresso out in the cup.


Process: Natural

Producer(s): Minasul Cooperative

Country: Brazil

Continent: South America

Region: Sul de Minas

Varietals: Catuai, Mundo Novo 

Altitude/elevation: 800-1200 MASL

Harvest Period: April – September 2023


We paid $5.53 per pound for the green coffee from Sustainable Harvest.  Our goal is to create more transparency about our purchasing decisions so that you can make as informed a buying decision as possible.