Hario V60 Pour Over Dripper Size 02 (red)


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The Hario V60 pour over dripper is one of the most popular manual brewing devices on the market, and is our go to daily brewing device and is the device we use to brew coffee samples at local markets.  While Hario offers this brewer in both glass and ceramic, we prefer the plastic V60 because it retains more heat, is lighter, and is much more durable.  

If you purchase this brewer, you will also need to purchase the paper filters we carry that are designed to fit the brewer.  

To get the most out of a V60, you will need to purchase a gooseneck pouring kettle.  We use and recommend two electric options, which allow you to precisely control the water temperature: 1) The Bonavita variable temperature electric kettle and 2) the Fellow Stagg EKG electric kettle.  The Fellow Stagg has a restricted flow rate, which offers more precision.    

As with other brewing equipment we are currently offering, we are not making any profit on this product and are simply recovering our costs.  The goal is to maintain a limited offering of brewing equipment we use and recommend so that you do not have to wait on the items to be shipped to Ketchikan.

We will be offering our favorite V60 brew recipes in the near future.  Please know that the V60 is an advanced pour over brewer and will take some trial and error to master.