Shop "Bean to Bar" Craft Chocolate

By “bean to bar” we mean that the final chocolate products we sell were transformed by us from unroasted cacao seeds (beans) into cocao/cocoa nibs, chocolate bars, brewing chocolate, or hot chocolate mixes.  We carefully select, sort, roast, crack, winnow, grind, refine, and temper small batches of cacao beans from around the world into craft chocolate to explore the world of unique flavors that await.  

Cacao has many similarities to coffee, which is what fascinated us.  Cacao is like coffee in that it is the seed of a fruit.  It is like coffee in that individual cacao varieties can have very unique flavor profiles, which can be enhanced or diminished by how it is handled throughout the supply chain and ultimately by the roaster and chocolatier.  Our goal is to explore and highlight these unique flavors, and at times find ways to harmonize the flavors into unique blends.     

Please note: Alaska’s Cottage Food Laws requires in person delivery of food products.  If you live outside Ketchikan, please wait to place an order until you are traveling through Ketchikan.  We offer free local delivery.

If you are tax exempt and have never placed an order through our website, please select the “My Account” button at the top of the website.  You will be prompted to login or register.  You will need to register for an account, which will ask you for some basic information to include your tax exempt identification number.  Once we receive and review this information, we have to manually approve the account for tax exempt status.  Our goal is to review and approve accounts daily.  Thank you for your understanding.